There are a lot many bad affects of alcohol on our body. It affects badly on the central nervous system and acts as a depressant. It interferes in our power of vision, hearing, movement and disturbs our emotions. If a person is taking alcohol from […]
What causes pimples?
Most of the people face skin problems between the ages 12 to 25 and one of the most common problems is “pimples”. Very rare a new born baby can develop pimple between the age of three to twenty four months and also very few people […]
What effects does smoking cigarettes have?
Smoking is basically an addiction to nicotine (an active ingredient in tobacco) which is more addictive than cocaine and heroine. This is one of the main reasons why people cannot quit smoking. Most of it stays in the lungs and rest goes to bloodstream and […]
How much should i weigh?
Generally people think that the men and women who are neither overweight nor underweight are fit and healthy but this is not so. Health and fitness depend much more on your body composition and abdominal fat than on your body weight. Body composition means the […]
How anxiety effects the body?
The word “anxiety” has been taken from “Greek†which means “to constrictâ€, grab the sensation of tightness physically. We are living in the age of uncertainty, quick life and technology which leads us to anxiety, fear and depression. To get rid of these feelings people […]
What are the effects of steroids?
A steroid is a synthetically produced version of male hormones, fat soluble compound, which increases body building activities. Athletes do intense physical work and they use 10 times more testosterone (male hormone) than a normal person. So to compensate with that or to improve their […]
What causes asthma?
Asthma is a breathing problem. While breathing air enters our body through nose and mouth, then reaches to the wind pipe, to the tubes known as bronchi and finally to the lungs from where the oxygen present in the air is supplied to the body […]
Why alcohol makes you fat?
It’s really amazing that alcohol makes you fat but it doesn’t contain fat at all. This is because during its digestion it breaks into two major compounds one is fat and other is acetate. Fat is taken by the bloodstream and is stored in the […]
How does stress effect the mind and body?
Stress is a strain that disturbs us physiologically, emotionally or psychologically. Whenever we have to face stressed situation our body response in a way called “fight or flightâ€. During stress hypothalamus in our brain releases hormone called cortisol, norepinephrine and adrenaline that flows in whole […]
How to get fat?
Generally people want to be slim most of them are females. But few of them who are too thin or are from anorexic group want to gain weight. Here are some ways how to get fat:- Eat First thing you can do to gain weight […]