What causes tornadoes?

Tornadoes are very frequent in United States. They occur mostly during the spring and summer seasons. Nearly 800 tornadoes occur in different parts of U.S per year. Tornadoes also occur in many other parts of the world, but they are most frequent in U.S. Tornado […]

How to stop coughing?

There are many reasons for cough like viral infection, allergies, excessive smoking, and exposure to dust, asthma, cold, chest infection etc. It is irritating both for you and the person sitting beside you. Moreover while coughing you cough out germs and can easily infect the […]

Who invented ENIAC?

ENIAC, also known as Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer was invented by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly in 1946. After graduation John Mauchly joined John Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania and they worked together to develop the ENIAC. ENIAC was the first […]