What is plastic?

Plastics are a type of polymer or synthetic which is much like resins found in plants and trees. Polymers are made up of carbon string and other substances. The units in every string are called monomers. These monomers when goes through chain linking reaction then […]

How to get rid of scabies?

“Scabies” is a Latin word which means ‘itch’. It is a skin disease caused by direct contact with the people suffering from it or using their clothes, towels and linens. Earlier people thought that scabies only spread sexually, but that was a wrong belief. A […]

How is plastic made?

Polymers are primarily made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are the long chains which repeat themselves again and again. Many steps are evolved in the production of plastics Polymerization Most common raw material required for the manufacture of plastics is oil and natural […]