You can say flirting is an art in which a person attracts the other person of opposite gender without being tacky and obnoxious. Some people are trained in this art naturally and some attains mastery over it with practice. Some people say that flirting is […]
Why do people have night terrors?
Night terrors are mostly seen in the children of age between three to five years but recent researches has shown that even six months child can also experience night terrors and some adults also goes through this experience at least once in a week. Night […]
What is child abuse?
There are many different problems in the world that have become common at global level and one of them is child abuse. Although, it is believed that child abuse is more common in developing, and third world nations, but the fact is that almost every […]
How do i know if a guy likes me?
Most girls and women can tell whether a guy is interested in them or not. For others who can’t get things in place and are confused, there are a few signs that would help them in choosing the next step. Body language Body language is […]
Why do people hiccup?
Hiccup is also called as neuroaccoustic diafragmacontractions and some people call hiccups as hiccoughs. With the contraction of diaphragm by spasm (diaphragm is a muscular sheet that separates chest and abdominal cavity) the inhaling of air is stopped suddenly. The gap in the vocal cords […]
Why do rainy days make us sleepy?
Most of us feel sleepy on the rainy day. Different people have different views about this aspect. This sleepiness may be because of the production of serotonin in our body in the dark rainy days are low. Serotonin is regulated by sunlight which effects mood. […]