After researches many answers have come up for this question but the main answer for this question is socialization. People start taking alcohol just to get fit in the society. They took alcohol drinking as the status symbol and they also relaxed from the stress by moving in such societies.
Another common reason which has come up for this is that people enjoy the taste of these drinks. In starting it does not taste very good but if the person sticks to it without giving attention to taste then slowly and slowly his reaction for the taste changes. The thing which was not tastier earlier now feels tasty to the tongue as the brain changes the taste likings. And how long will it take to change depends from person to person. Alcohol is also a good source of relaxation for many individuals. They take alcohol to get rid of whole day’s tension and tiredness. It makes them feel at ease. So whenever they feel like tired and wants to relax the one easiest way for them is to take alcohol. While some start drinking because of peer pressure.
Escapism is one more reason for drinking. People drink to forget their problems, stress and anxieties. In this case a person starts drinking large quantity of alcohol which can be physically and mentally destructive. He can also start abusing at that time.
Sometimes a particular individual started drinking with one reason and after the addiction his list for the reasons changes.
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