Questions and Answers

Why do people talk in their sleep?

In scientific terms sleep talking is called as SOMNILOQUY. Many people, mostly 50% children and five percent adults brain confuses and talk in their sleep. Sleep talk occurs in some people may be because of stress, anxiety, having less sleep, unresolved issues, eating in excess exactly before going to bed or it can be due to some unfinished task that has remained in our subconscious. Most people co-relate REM sleep with sleep talking. During rapid eye movement (REM) we have our most memorable dreams but truth is that sleep talking mostly happens in non-REM sleep and at that time our body is experiencing partial paralyses. Sleep talking usually happens during the change in stage of sleep.

It mostly occurs in children because of their immature state of brain and less sleep. It has also been observed that the person is shocked when he comes to know about his talks and behavior during the sleep from the other person because they had totally forgotten everything they talked in sleep.

When we are not in deep sleep there is a very thin difference between conscious and subconscious. At this time person’s brain goes through frightening hallucinations as subconscious is still active. Sleep talking is not harmful but can annoy the person sleeping next to him. Sleep talk may occur in the form of simple muttering, long conversations, aggressive talks etc. but in most of the cases it is calm. Aggression or yelling is seen in very rare cases.

Nobody exactly knows about the reason behind the sleep talk but to stay away from sleep talking one should avoid stress, relax before going to bed and must have the proper amount of sleep.

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